St. Joseph Class of 1967 - North Adams, Massachusetts

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Photos from Page 42 in our Yearbook
 (to find a name on a different page click on the letters below)
 << Return to Class of '67 Main Listing   <<Addresses & Phone Numbers
a-ar | ba-br | br-ch | ch-co | co-de | de-fa | fe-ga | ga-gi | gi-gw |
 gy-ka | kl-la | le-li | lu-mc | mc-no | o-pi | po-ro |ro-si | si-st | sz-va | va-wi

Laureen O'Brien

Laureen O'Brien

Marcia O'Grady

Marcia O'Grady

Irene Paquin

Irene Paquin

Bruce Patenaude

Bruce Patenaude

Shirley Pepin

Shirley Pepin


Fred Pietras

Fred Pietras

 (to find a name on a different page click on the letters below)
 << Return to Class of '67 Main Listing   <<Addresses & Phone Numbers
a-ar | ba-br | br-ch | ch-co | co-de | de-fa | fe-ga | ga-gi | gi-gw |
 gy-ka | kl-la | le-li | lu-mc | mc-no | o-pi | po-ro |ro-si | si-st | sz-va | va-wi

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