Photos from Page 36 in our Yearbook
(to find a
name on a different page click on the letters below)
<< Return to
Class of '67 Main Listing
& Phone Numbers
a-ar |
ba-br | br-ch |
ch-co | co-de |
de-fa | fe-ga |
ga-gi | gi-gw |
gy-ka | kl-la |
le-li | lu-mc |
mc-no | o-pi |
po-ro |ro-si |
si-st | sz-va |
Michael Girard |
Michelle Godbout |
Cheryl Guerin |
Vincent Guerino |
Barbara Gumbleton |
Theresa Gwozdz |
(to find a
name on a different page click on the letters below)
<< Return to
Class of '67 Main Listing
& Phone Numbers
a-ar |
ba-br | br-ch |
ch-co | co-de |
de-fa | fe-ga |
ga-gi | gi-gw |
gy-ka | kl-la |
le-li | lu-mc |
mc-no | o-pi |
po-ro |ro-si |
si-st | sz-va |
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